The ARIME team
Our key people, Sophie LEROY et Daniel DUVAL will take care of your specific recruitment, whatever medical specialism you need.. These field operatives travel all over Europe to meet, evaluate and identify the practitioners you're looking for under optimal conditions for both parties. Dependable and exacting, the ARIME team thanks you in advance for your confidence.

Sophie LEROY
With language qualifications from the University of Rennes II Haute Bretagne and the Institut Supérieur de Gestion (Advanced Business School) (Paris), Sophie LEROY has built up 18 years in search-and-selection and in the support of European doctors in France. Also handles press relations.
Available 7 days a week.
Email : (Contact us)
Tel. : (+33) 06 77 54 66 25.

Daniel DUVAL
Daniel DUVAL has held the position of Directeur d'Etablissement Public de Santé; (Public Health Institution Director) for 26 years.
Président de l'Association et Directer Honoraire des Etablissements Sanitaires, Sociaux et Médico-sociaux (President and Honorary Director of the Association of Health, Social and Medico-Social Institutions).
Coordinates compliance with French and European legislation.
Email : (Contact us)
Tel. : (+33) 06 58 54 92 92.